
Which is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot. What is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope?, 2.

Which is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot The Running End is the part of the rope used to for lifting or hoisting a load. A Bight is a bend in the rope Running end and standing part. Used to stop the rope from pulling through a cleat, hole or pulley. replaced c. Crossing Point: The place where ropes cross in the making of a loop. Parts of a Rope (Figure 5. Tightening the knot and removing slack c. A rope carried by a fire fighter only for self-rescue from an extreme situation is called a(n) _____ rope. Oct 11, 2023 · The term for the part of a rope used to form a knot is the 'working end'. attached to a knife or whistle. Recommended storage method, Which is a commonly used safety knot? A. Which method of construction is required for life safety rope? and more. Pages 5. Jul 7, 2024 · View Chapter 10 Exam. Which is a commonly used safety knot?, 3. loose or The end or part of a rope that is being used to tie a knot is called the ----, while the end or part that is not being knotted is called the ----- working end, standing end A(n) ----- is a device that includes a surface table and two, three, or four skids Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the kern of a kernmantle rope?, What is another term for a sheet bend?, What is the term for the part of a rope used for forming a knot? and more. Bight A bight is formed by doubling back a length of the rope against itself to form U shape. Expiration date B. True or . Rope that meets the requirements of nfpa 1983, Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services, and is dedicated solely for the purpose of constructing lines to be used for the raising, lowering, or supporting people during rescue, fire fighting or other emergency operations, or during training. Which knot is used to prevent the end of a rope from slipping through the primary knot? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following ropes is made by twisting fibers into strands and then twisting the strands together a. Figure 8 and Retraceable Figure 8. Specific terminology is used to refer to the parts of rope in describing how to tie knots. Figure G-13. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The individual fibers of natural fiber ropes are twisted together to form a ______, What happens to natural fiber ropes with age, even when stored properly?, Prolonged exposure to _____ light can damage synthetic ropes and more. They all decrease Feb 11, 2013 · Running end and standing part. You have to know how to join poles or sticks by lashing. Form a loop in the Misunderstanding or misusing a term can lead to inefficiencies—or worse, compromise safety. Polypropylene, synthetic, and nylon B. For a knot to be considered “good,” you should be able to tie and untie it with ease, and the knot should not slip. Utility rope is mainly used for hoisting equipment and stabilize objects that are unstable, generally made of both synthetic and natural fiber rope. Standing Part: any part of the rope not considered the running end. , A(n) _____ is used to transport medium-length pieces of pipe, tubing, or scaffolding. Tying the Knot: Step 1: Form a 12” bight. The friction within the knot parts allows the knot to hold securely. A(n) ___ knot is the best knot to use to keep the end of a rope or fall from running out of a tackle or pulley. There are rope parts and minor variations on the basic loop that form the structure of all knots. Which is the term for a rope used on an extension ladder to raise a fly section? halyard The individual fibers of a natural fiber roped are twisted together to form a: What simple knot is used to secure the leftover working end of the rope and is also referred to as a keeper knot? Safety knot Which of the following terms best describes the part of the rope used for lifting or hoisting? Working End - used to tie knot Running Part - free end used for hoisting Standing Part - section between working end and running part Care, clean, inspect, store - when the rope was purchased - when it was used - how it was used - inspections - what loads it took A record for each piece of rope that includes a history of when the rope was placed in service, when it was inspected, when and how it was used, and which types of loads were placed on it. G-3. Rescue, Which is a defining characteristic of utility rope? A. An overhand loop is a loop where the working end passes over the standing part. Also called block and tackle. Clove hitch A knot that consists of two half hitches made in opposite directions; used to temporarily secure a rope to an object. 2) – The following are some commonly used rope terms. This end is sometimes referred to as the working end. Bight. DOUBLE FIGURE OF EIGHT KNOT: (Class 3, Middle of the Rope): Purpose: Used to form a fixed loop in a rope. The running end is the end of the rope that is used to tie the knot. Compared to a natural fiber rope, a synthetic What is the term for the part of the rope used to form a knot? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which item is necessary to include in a life safety rope's documentation? A. What is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot. bail-out c. The end of the rope that is not being used to create a knot. no visible abrasions or exposure to high temperature or direct flame 3. water only C. Bight: Any part of a rope between the ends. What is one of the three primary classifications of rope based on function? A) Static B) Rigging C) Utility D) Aug 21, 2013 · Running end and standing part. It is very strong and efficient, and can be untied easily. It must not be used to support the weight of a person C. , A mistake in tying the square knot may result either in a _________ knot or a ________ knot and more. bail-out D. Loop B Which knot is used to join webbing ends together? Water. What is the term for a rope used on an extension ladder to raise a fly section? A. Natural fiber, manila, and sisal C. Half hitch C. A knot tied by passing the working end of a rope around an object, across the standing part of the rope, and then through the resulting loop; often used as an element in forming other knots or added to make other knots more secure. Solutions available. If for example you bring to parts of the same rope together you form a bight in a rope. Which knot decreases the load-bearing capacity of rope the most? A) Figure Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which is one of the four primary classifications of rope based on function? A. Working end. rope has not been impact loaded 4. Working End: The active end being used to tie the knot. , A(n) _____ is used to move large pieces of pipe. VARIOUS CONSTRUCTION LASHINGS. working end Memorize terms like Which is an advantage of tubular webbing over flat webbing? A) Easier to work with B) Less stretch C) Costs less D) Holds a knot better, Which NFPA standard covers the criteria for design, construction, and performance of life safety rope and related equipment? A) 1981 B) 1982 C) 1983 D) 1984, 3. Downhaul: A rope used to tighten the front (luff) of a sail. What part of a knot is formed by crossing the side of a bight over the standing part of the rope? Loop What can be used to create a mechanical advantage for rope rescue or when hoisting heavy objects? List of knot terminology. The Working End. Twisted d. What is the working end of the rope used for? A. Also called the running end or free end. Sep 18, 2024 · The phrase "in the bight" implies a U-shaped section of rope is itself being used in making a knot. bitter end More a ropeworker's term than a knot term, the reference is to the end of a rope that is tied off, hence the expression "to the bitter end". Capstan: A rotating cylinder used in winding a rope or cable; also used in spinning and twisting yarn, twine or rope. Static. , Name the three rope parts used in tying knots and hitches. When tied near the rope's end, the parts will be the Tail lying beside the Standing End. Forming the knot, 2. Aug 15, 2018 · Rope Terminology or Parts of a Rope Knot Terminology Working End. rope must pass inspection by qualified person before and after each use Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How can utility rope be used during rescue operations?, The process of tightening knots until snug and removing all the slack is called, What does it mean to dress a knot? and more. common sign of damage to kernmantle rope? depressions in the kern. G. Carrying the rope D. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A rope carried by a firefighter only for self-rescue from an extreme situation is called a(n)_________, Which knot is used to join webbing ends together?, The kern of a kernmantle rope is its. Keep your back straight. Drum dolly A(n) ________ is a wheeled circular platform or a caddy with a handle that is used to transport lighter-weight 55-gallon drums or barrels. Identify Common Rope and Knot Terms. Bend your waist. Recommended storage method, Ropes should be cleaned with __________. Usually made of the most durable synthetic rope material. Joining two ends of a rope. A. Securing the knot C. flat spots or lumps b. FFTWN. Outhaul: Rope used to Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A rope is attached to a ladder for hoisting using a(n): a. PELSR B. Kernmantle c. Knots that can be tied without use of the working end are called knots on a bight. B. c. Rescue B. To tie: Make an overhand loop with the end of the rope held toward you. See full list on theknotsmanual. a. It can also be used to prevent the end of a rope from slipping through a fastening or loop in another rope when a knot larger than an overhand knot is needed. Picture a bowline - the nipping loop (the "hole" that the rabbet jumps out of) is an overhand loop. Buntline: A rope used to furl (wrap up) a square sail up to the yardarm. Elbow: Two or more loops in close proximity to each other. What is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope?, 2. When working with Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A knot used to secure the leftover working end of the rope; also known as an overhand knot or keeper knot, Rope constructed of fibers twisted into strands, which are then twisted together, the part of a rope between the working end and the running end and more. They both refer to the free end of the rope that you're using to tie the knot. The rest of the rope is the standing part. part of rope used for forming knot. personal emergency, 2. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the standing part of the rope, what is the running end of the rope, what is the bight and more. Bend A bend is a knot used to join two lengths of rope. What is the term that best describes the free end of a rope that is used for hoisting or pulling? A. A bight is a length of rope that does not cross itself. Round turn: When the rope forms one and a half circles around an object, basically a round and a turn (around 540 degrees) Dressing a Knot: To arrange the cuts and bends of the knot such that it fulfils its function Capsize a Knot: To deform the knot such that it no longer fulfils its function Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which type of webbing is commonly used for rescue applications?, A _____ is a bend in the knot that is created by bending the rope back on itself while keeping the sides parallel. Learn faster with spaced repetition. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot?, Which item is necessary to include in a life safety rope's documentation?, What is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope? and more. Loop: A bight becomes a loop when the two ropes cross. Explanation: The end of the rope that is used to tie a knot is known as the running end or sometimes referred to as the working end. Any non-organic fiber used in rope or cordage manufacture. Standing End: The idle (or longer) part of the rope that includes all the ropes except the working end. self-rescue C. Lanyard: Short length of thin rope, e. Standing Part. overhand safety d. Spun, Which of the following terms best describes the part of the rope used for lifting or hoisting a. Life safety rope is used to support rescuers and/or victims during emergency incidents. pptx from FIRT 1342 at Austin Community College District. Note that both parts of line exit the knot together! Every knot comprises rope parts interwoven into one or more loops. Nov 11, 2023 · Bend: a knot used to fasten a rope to another rope. The part opposite of the standing end. FFTWN 110 Jan 22, 2025 · Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What are the three types of rope used in linework today?, What are disadvantages of natural fiber ropes?, What is the longest part of the rope? and more. Whipping – A whipping is a binding knot tied around the end of a rope to prevent the rope from unraveling. , Which type of rope construction is used for life safety ropes? and others. To do all these, you need to know how to look for materials you can use to make a rope. rope cannot be visibly damaged 2. What is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot? A. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like the sling apex is the uppermost point where sling legs meet, fiber rope can be made from either natural or synthetic fivers, wire rope with a fiber core should not be used in temperatures over 150 degrees and more. Loose or twisted sheath C. Lift with your arms. personal emergency a. Strands twisted or plaited together form a rope. Dec 20, 2023 · The correct term for the end of the rope used to tie a knot is the 'running end' or 'working end', not the 'standing part' or a 'safety end'. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Braided Rope, Dynamic rope, Static rope and more. Working end b. An Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which type of knot is used to tie two ropes of unequal size? A) Bowline B) Clove hitch C) Square D) Becket bend Feedback : Fundamentals of Fire Fighter Skills, Fourth Edition, page 315, Which family of knots is used to attach a rope around an object? A) The hitches B) The bends C) The splices D) The coils Feedback : Fundamentals Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is part of the proper lifting technique? A. Standing Part and Running End. creating a control zone perimeter. Identified Q&As 26. Finishing D. Rescue, Which is formed by making a circle in a rope? Select one: A. Flat spots or lumps, Which is a commonly used safety knot? Select one: A. Step 4: Dress the knot down Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. [1] The opposite end is the working end. a mild bleach solution, What is the preferred type for rope for rescue operations? A Jul 31, 2024 · Loop: When two parts of the rope cross each other, it forms a loop. Helpful terms include: Running End: the working end of the rope used to tie a knot. Total views 100+ Belmont College. D. a mild bleach solution, What is the preferred type for rope for rescue operations? A Which is the term for a rope used on an extension ladder to raise a fly section? Which is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot? Working end. Hitch: A knot used to fasten a rope to an object I. These terms apply to ALL types of rope, laid or woven. The principal purpose of a knot is that when you pull on the ends of the rope, the knot becomes tighter. Half hitch B. Working End – The working end (or working part) of a rope is the part active in knot tying. A Bight is formed by reversing the direction of the rope to form a U-bend with two parallel ends. For example, in a bowline knot, the working end creates the loop, and the standing part supports the knot. Beginning with a temporary hitch b. Personal rescue rope Rope A ge neric term used in this book that refers to cord, rope, strin g, twine, or whatever material which is being used to tie a knot. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the working end of the rope used for?, What are three primary types of rope used in the fire service?, The knot used to secure the leftover working end of a rope is called a and more. ( sometimes also known as the Working End. What is the term for a rope used on an extension ladder to raise a fly section? Which knot component is part of a clove hitch? The first step in tying the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which type of rope is the strongest?, ___________ is a synthetic rope that is twice as strong as manila, and stretches the least under load. Discoloration D. Running End The part of the rope used to tie the knot. It features natural fiber construction D. Standing part B Aug 25, 2022 · What are the parts of a knot? Rope Knot Terms. b. The figure 8 (or figure-of-eight) can be used as an anchor knot on fixed ropes. Fuzziness of the mantle B. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like When inspecting kernmantle rope, look at the sheath:, According to NFPA 1983, what must be used to make life safety rope?, What should be done in order to ensure that ropes remain in good condition? and more. Vendor C. Life safety, utility, and escape D. This is the free, or loose end of the rope actively used to create knots. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like which rope is on the extended ladder to raise a fly section, the term for preparing a knot by tightening it and removing twists, kinks, and slack from rope, which knot decreases the load bearing capacity of rope the most and more. Step 3: Place the bight through the loop. fixed B. Stringing Line. Some of the terminology seemingly overlaps with other terms, such as the difference between a bight and loop. Which is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot? Working end. This is the end of the rope that is actively used to form the knot. rope has not been exposed to liquids, solids, gases, mists, or vapors from chemicals that can damage the rope 5. escape Which is the term for a rope used on an extension ladder to raise a fly section? A(n) _____ is a knot tied by passing the working end of a rope around an object, across the standing part of the rope, and then through the resulting loop. , Which part of the rope is used to tie a knot? and more. S Part d. Running End. Expiration date D. Synthetic Fiber. They are a blend of nylon, polyester, and polypropylene. bowline, An escape rope should be ________ is exposed to an IDLH environment. Rope Knot Terminology Tying Instructions. com The standing end (or standing part) of a rope is the part that is not active in knot tying. Hauling securing Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What are the 3 types of rope used in linework today?, What are the 2 most common Natural Fiber ropes?, What are the 4 limitations of Natural Fiber Ropes? and more. Study Chapter 9 Ropes And Knots flashcards from Jacob Marton's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Static B. Overhand Loop: a loop which crosses on top of the standing part. Holding the loop with your thumb and fingers, bring the standing part of the rope so it lies behind the loop. This weaving is carried out in specific over-and-under sequences. Overhand C. Other terms like 'running end', 'standing part', and 'bight' are also used in knot tying but serve different purposes. For a piece of rope looped to form a complete circle with the two ends parallel The length of rope in which a strand makes one complete spiral wrap or braiding/plaiting pattern. Knot: A manipulation of the rope to allow a purchase (a fixed loop) J. Overhand loop. Braided b. Part of the rope being used to form a knot To change the form and rearrange the parts of a knot, usually by pulling on specific ends of the knot. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for finishing a knot by tightening and removing twists, kinks, and slack from the rope? A) Dressing the knot B) Squaring the knot C) Making the knot solid D) Making the knot muster, Which type of detergent, if any, should be used on ropes? A) Either pumice based or lye based only B) Polar only C) Mild only D This makes an excellent slip knot or noose. Consists of three small ropes twisted together to form a single rope. For which application is dynamic rope especially well suited?, 3. The end of the rope being used for knotting is the working end or bitter end. Bight also is used to refer to a curved section of a rope within a knot being tied. Step 4: Dress the knot down Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The area in which a forklift may come in contact with objects or people, either with the rear end or the front forks, is the _____. Hawser: A larger diameter rope used for towing large vessels and barges. This guide dives into the fundamental terms and concepts that form the backbone of rope work, bridging gaps in understanding and fostering confidence in applying these principles. clove hitch c. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the term for preparing a knot by tightening it and removing twists, kinks, and slack from the rope?, The individual fibers of a natural fiber ropes are twisted together to form a:, Which is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot? and more. inspected d. Running end c. The standing end is the long part of the rope, going back to the rest of the line. [4] Feb 21, 2025 · The end of the rope used for tying a knot is called the working end, while the part that is stationary is referred to as the standing part. There are specific terms or nomenclature to describe the parts of a knot while it is being tied. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which knot is used to provide an extra level of protection when tying other types of knots? A) Water knot B) Clove hitch C) Overhand safety knot D) Figure-eight knot, A (An) ______ knot is primarily used to attach a rope to an object such as a pike pole or hose line. Scheduled maintenance: 13 March 2025 from 03:00 to 04:00 The knot is formed by tying a double overhand knot, in its strangle knot form, with each end around the opposite line's standing part. Carrier: Part of a cordage braiding machine that carries the group of yarns or the single yarn like a single strand through the braid as it is made. Many knots can be tied either with the end or in the bight. In knotting terms the end of the rope that is used to actually tie and form the knot is known as the Working End, such as the end used to tie a Figure of Eight Re-Threaded. The common knot parts are illustrated and described below. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A figure eight on a bight is used to __________. Which knot is used to keep the hoisting rope aligned with the handle of a tool being hoisted? clove hitch Which knot would typically be used to attach a rope to a tree or pole? Mar 12, 2025 · Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Define biosecurity, Rope work definition: Loop, Rope work definition: Bight and others. Understanding these terms is essential for knot-tying. A bight can be used to finish many knots - making them easy to untie by just pulling the tail. The working end of a rope is the part active in tying the knot. It has a minimum Stopper Knot. The Standing Part is the rope between the working end and the running end. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like what is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope, the individual fibers of a natural fiber ropes are twisted together to form a ______, which knot is used to prevent the end of a rope from slipping through the primary knot? and more. 1. Form a loop in the rope, insert the end of the rope through the loop, and then dress the knot by pulling on both ends of the rope at the same time. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the process of inspecting life-safety rope?, What do you do with ropes after washing them?, What kind of knot is used to join webbing ends together? and more. Also known as the working end. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is involved in dressing a knot? Select one: a. Lower your head. Halyard: A rope used to pull up a sail. commonly used to connect a rope to an Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like working end, standing end, running end and more. The term "Bight" does not imply a "Loop" and does not mean the same. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like What is the term for a rope used on an extension ladder to raise a fly section?, Which statement about natural fiber ropes is correct?, Prolonged exposure to ____ can damage synthetic ropes. Half hitch A knot tied by passing the working end of a rope around an object, across the standing part of the rope, and then through the resulting loop; often used as an element in forming other knots or added to make other knots Which is the term for the part of a rope used to form. Yarns twisted together form a strand. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Knots are used to join rope and webbing together, attach ropes and webbing to people and objects, and to form loops in the rope or webbing. figure 8 on a bight b. Step 2: With the bight, make a 360 degree turn around the standing part of the rope, forming a double loop in your hand. b Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like what is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope?, Which is commonly used safety knot?, Which is formed by making a circle in a rope? and more. The purpose of labeling the parts is Stopper Knot – A stopper knot is the type of knot tied to prevent a rope slipping through a grommet or as a temporary whipping. A part of a rope used for lifting or hoisting is called the running end. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What type of rope is solely used for supporting people?, Which of the following is an advantage of using synthetic fiber ropes over natural fiber ropes?, Which of the following ropes is made by twisting fibers into strands and then twisting the strands together? and more. bend A category of knots that are used to tie the ends of two ropes together. Made by folding a piece of rope so that the two parts lie alongside each other. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like For which application is dynamic rope especially well suited?, Which knot component is part of a clove hitch?, What is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot? and more. Terms in this set (12) Which part of a rope is the free end that is used for hoisting, pulling, or belaying? Which statement about knot characteristics is most A knot tied by passing the working end of a rope around an object, across the standing part of the rope, and then through the resulting loop; often used as an element in forming other knots or added to make other knots more secure. tested, What is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope? a. </p> and others. Working End: The end of a rope used to tie the knot. The Working End is the part of the rope used for forming the knot. Wire Rope Wire Rope Definition and Types Wire rope is machine composed of individual wires that have been twisted to form strands and work together to ac Bushcraft Research Paper . Form a loop in the rope, insert the end of the rope through the loop, wrap the rope around the loop, and then dress the knot by pulling on both ends at the same time. personal escape B. Aug 25, 2022 · The running end is the end of the rope that is used to tie the knot. Bend: A knot used to join two ropes together H. A line used for extending a wire or cable. mild detergent B. ) Bight. Creating the bight to start the knot, At an emergency incident, utility rope can be used for: Select one: a. escape b. Personal bail rope D. It is useful in orientating and describing the parts of a rope as well as working with a rope. A common language is helpful when describing how to tie a knot. Shock Load Jul 7, 2022 · 1. Binding knot a. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the longest part of a rope called?, The free end of a rope used to form a knot?, A loop formed by placing the running end parallel to the standing part. It runs freely on the standing part of the rope. Personal escape rope C. Utility D. static C. Bight, Which of the following knots is what is the term for preparing a knot by tightening it and removing twists, kinks, and slack from the rope? A) dressing B) squaring C) finishing D) following C) utility Feb 11, 2013 · Running end and standing part. The term for a rope that is suddenly put under unusual tension is_____-loading. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The area in which a forklift may come in contact with objects or people, either with the rear end or the front forks, is the ____, A knot that is used to form a loop that neither slips nor jams is a(n) ____, A(n) ____ is used to move large pieces of pipe, while a(n) ____ is used to transport medium-length pieces of pipe, tubing DOUBLE FIGURE OF EIGHT KNOT: (Class 3, Middle of the Rope): Purpose: Used to form a fixed loop in a rope. , The most practical rope for general usage can be _________ ropes. Tackle. , Which NFPA standard covers the criteria for design, construction, and performance of life safety rope and related equipment?, Which part of a rope is used for hoisting? and more. and others. It is de-rated or expired rescue rope B. and more. A rope with Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which item is necessary to include in a life safety rope's documentation? A. figure eight A ___ is primarily used to finish off other knots and should not be used by itself for lifting. 3 "Underhand" loop "A Bight" or un-closed loop "A Turn" or closed loop "A Round Turn" Right over Left and twist, then Left over RIght and twist. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which knot is used to join webbing ends together?, Which question is important to consider when inspecting life safety ropes?, Which is the term for the part of a rope used to form a knot? and more. Rigging C. The standing part is the non-active part of the rope in knot tying. Two Loop Figure 8 A knot used to form a loop that neither slips nor jams; sometimes referred to as a rescue knot or the king of knots. Lifting or hoisting B. g. Clove Hitch -A knot that consists of two half hitches made in opposite directions; used to temporarily secure a rope to an object. Explanation: Knot Terms Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope? Select one: A. cleaned b. A) overhand safety B) figure-eight bend C) clove hitch D The part of the rope used to form the knot is called the working end. , True, False- All types of rope should be inspected after each use. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Which part of the rope is used to tie a knot?, A __________ is a bend in the knot that is created by bending the rope back on itself while keeping the sides parallel. The end of the line that is being used to create a knot. C. Is a curved section of a rope. Rope Knot Terms. dynamic, 3. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is an advantage of using synthetic fiber ropes over natural fiber ropes?, What type of rope is solely used for supporting people?, Which of the following ropes is made by twisting fibers into strands and then twisting the strands together? and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which is one of the four parts of the maintenance formula for ropes?, Compared to a natural fiber rope, a synthetic fiber rope:, What is a common sign of damage to a kernmantle rope? and more. Capacity C. self-rescue d. Life safety rpe must meet the requirements of the NFPA 1983. It is the part opposite the working end. Standing End The part of the rope other than the running end. The term bight is related to an open loop that is created in a rope or piece of webbing when it is folded back on itself. Which is formed by making a circle in a rope? and more. Overhand, Which knot decreases the load-bearing capacity of the rope the most? A. A rope carried by a fire fighter only for self-rescue from an extreme situation is called a __________ rope. It is the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like List the four major requirements of rope fastening. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the running end of a rope?, What is the working end of the rope?, What is the standing part of the rope? and more. Also called the bitter end. These are two of the most common terms used in knot tying. To understand knots, you must understand the nomenclature of rope. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like For which application is static line especially well suited? -Abrasion resistance -Hoisting loads -Mountaineering -Cushioning falls, What is the water knot best suited for? -Forming a loop in the end of a rope -Connecting the ends of a piece of webbing to form a loop -Attaching rope or webbing to an object -Securely connecting Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What type of rope is used solely for supporting people?, Which of the following is an advantage of using synthetic fiber ropes over natural fiber ropes?, Which of the following ropes is made by twisting fibers into strands and then twisting the strands together and more. What are three primary types of rope used in the fire service? A. To change the form and rearrange the parts of a knot, usually by pulling on specific ends of the knot. A bight is a curved section or slack part between the two ends of a Jul 10, 2011 · What is the term for a rope that is intended to be used by a fire fighter only for self- rescue from an extreme situation? A. Splice: A method of weaving together two ropes or the strands of two parts of the same rope so as to form one Memorize terms like Which is one of the four primary classifications of rope based on function? , Which is defining characteristic of utility rope? , A rope carried by a fire fighter only for self-rescue for an extreme situation is called a(n) _____ rope. Memorize terms like <p>Which is an advantage of tubular webbing over flat webbing?</p>, <p>Which NFPA standard covers the criteria for design, construction, and performance of life safety rope and related equipment?</p>, <p>Which knot decreases the load-bearing capacity of rope the most?</p> and others. , If the tank of a compressed gas cylinder ruptures or cracks during transport, the tank can become a deadly projectile or it could explode into fragments of shrapnel. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which item is necessary to include in a life safety rope's documentation? A. History of use. term for part of rope used to form a knot? working end. Standard on Life Safety Rope and Equipment for Emergency Services part of rope used to form the knot. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like False- NFPA 1983. What is the second most common synthetic fiber used for life safety ropes, 2. Untying the knot and straightening the rope d. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like four parts of rope maintenance, which knot is used to secure the end of the rope to an object, what does a safety knot do and more. Study with Knowt flashcards for free. castile soap D. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which rope construction type consists of a braided outer sheath surrounding a load-bearing core?, Which is the preferred type for rope for life safety, Which is the term for a rope used on an extension ladder to raise a fly section? and more. pliant D. What are the parts of a rope? The parts of a rope are: The Ends and the Standing Line (the long middle part of a rope not in the knot). Strand. Rope bag A bag used to protect and store rope so that the rope can be easily and rapidly deployed without kinking. History of use D. A rope with minimal stretch under load is __________. Terms in this set (55) NFPA 1983. First, we should define the parts of the rope for our purposes. mjoe kdudy ozr mdmt pyczkp cvcqxfl ujhdnq mhlckt rfgfbjo rrw iablcf smxfth cmzh gsxho gjttt